Bush’s Viral Inauguration Face: A Presidential Meme is Born

Former President George W. Bush may not have been the main event at the recent inauguration, but his facial expressions certainly stole the show

. During the ceremony, seated next to former President Barack Obama, Bush’s animated reactions—ranging from raised eyebrows to a cheeky wink—quickly became a viral sensation.

The internet lit up with playful speculation about what could have prompted such expressive moments. Lip reader Jackie Gonzalez offered her interpretation, suggesting that Obama leaned over to ask Bush, “How can we stop what’s happening?” Bush’s response? A hearty laugh and a twinkle in his eye that set social media ablaze.

Even Bush’s family couldn’t resist joining in on the fun. His daughter, Jenna Bush Hager, revealed that their family group chat was “blowing up” over the viral moment. In an interview, she jokingly accused Obama of being a “bad influence” on her father during the event.

The internet, of course, had a field day.

Memes of Bush’s expressions flooded Twitter, with captions like, “When you’re not in charge but still have thoughts” and “That’s a face that’s seen things.”

While the ceremony itself marked a serious occasion, Bush’s lighthearted expressions offered a rare glimpse of humor and camaraderie between former presidents. In a world of political divides, this viral moment reminded everyone that even at the highest levels of leadership, a little levity can go a long way.

And as Buddy would say: “Facial expressions this good should come with a copyright notice. Someone get President Bush a deal with a meme agency—he’s clearly ready for his second act!”

Giggle Globe News

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