“Chris Hayes: The Truth-Teller with an Eyebrow Game Stronger than Most Wi-Fi Signals”

His glasses are rumored to reflect misinformation, sending it right back to the source.

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Welcome to Buddies top 10 The Most Hilarious Headlines You Need

“First squirrels, now stowaways. What’s next, cats sneaking into concerts? 🐿️✈️”

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The Shock Heard ‘Round the World: Edison vs. Tesla’s Electrifying Feud

Edison staged public executions of everything from stray dogs to poor Topsy the Elephant.

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“Squirrels Gone Wild: The Unexpected Predator Among Us”

“We had never seen this behavior before. Squirrels are one of the most familiar animals to people… Yet here’s this never-before-encountered behavior that reminds us there’s so much more to learn about nature.”

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“When Bathtubs Attack: President Taft’s Slippery Soak”

By Buddy, Chief Bathtub Investigator and Minister of Chuckles Gather ‘round, folks, because it’s time to dive into one of history’s slipperiest tales. Picture this: it’s 1909. William Howard Taft, a man who was both president and a gravitational force in his own right, decides to unwind after a long day of vetoing bills and likely vetoing salads. What happens next? A battle so epic

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